I copy them front to back and staple the journal 3-4 times (any idea how rough K kids can be on paper?? - HA!). My students store them in their cubbies and get them each day after our specials classes. We read the prompt, have a quick think time and then they have around 4 minutes to draw out their response. The range is amazing. I talk with 3-4 students during that time. After we are finished, we have share time (usually 2-3 students).
So for those of you using math journals - I have lots of questions!!
-Any best practice tips?
-What about my kiddos that just aren't there yet?
-How can I kick them up a notch?
-For assessments - do you do them? If so, how?
Any help would be awesome. :) Thanks!
November Math Journals
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