Monday, November 28, 2011

Teen Numbers Practice - Gingerbread Style!

Ahhh, one of my favorite topics to teach - mostly because I get to hear so many new number names - including but not limited to:


I guess I'll be happy that they at least have the teen part down!! If anyone has any great ideas, please share. My kiddos always seem to struggle with this set of numbers.

I did pin a few ideas:

Anchor Chart

Teen Number Twister

Since it is Gingerbread Week, I made a Teen Numbers review game. I told the kiddos about it today - and they seemed excited! Hopefully it helps with my gray hair stemming from their number recognition. :)

Enjoy. As always, if you use this game, I'd love to hear about it or see pictures!

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Don't Fall Over...But I'm Writing a Post...

Shut the front door. Is it bad that I haven't written a post in for.ever.? I almost didn't remember how to get to Blogger. Okay, it ...