Sunday, January 29, 2012

Totally Unrelated to Teaching!!

Hubby and I are trying to get better at planning out menus - so our shopping trip to Wally World doesn't result in a cart full of snack cakes, ice cream, chips and other randomness. Then that feeling of "I spent $100+ on this?!?" sets in when we get home to put everything away...

So, we are working really hard to follow our menu. A guy at Hubby's work told him that they plan based on themes for each day - "Mexican Monday", "Italian Tuesday", "Wing Wednesday", "Traditional Thursday", "Pizza and Snacks Saturday", and "Homestyle Sundays". Fridays are usually going out to eat days.

Pinterest is literally my best friend when planning the menu - I have pinned all types of recipes but didn't really have a plan.

And seeing as how I am a teacher - one of my favorite (such a dork!) things to do is plan. So of course my menu has to be color coded, include a table and definitely cute fonts.

Now comes the "what the heck do I need to buy from the grocery store" phase...uggghhh. But it is much easier come Monday after wrangling kids teaching Kindergarten to know exactly what to cook! It's just hubby and I--so no judging that some of our meals are kid friendly lol - I'm a picky eater.

Do you have a plan for meals? Is this crazy? We did two weeks in January and it worked really well - but I'm curious to see/hear what you do.

Don't Fall Over...But I'm Writing a Post...

Shut the front door. Is it bad that I haven't written a post in for.ever.? I almost didn't remember how to get to Blogger. Okay, it ...