Okay, I'll admit it. I am a lover of all things thrift. I adore my local thrift stores and can't walk out empty handed. Most of my classroom library has come from thrift stores.
My Mom and I just spent Thursday night searching the thrift store bins for a complete set of Scholastic AlphaTales after I spotted Bubble Bear. We almost found the complete set - 19/26. Not a bad find!

I also found these adorable critters! Even better, it was less than $10 for the books and the critters. One quick run through the wash and they were ready to take to school.

My kiddos love to read with a buddy during our Read to Self time. They are super excited to hear each critter's name. They thought it was hilarious that the shark's name is Crunch.
Check out your local thrift store - you never know what kind of bargains you'll find!