Saturday, February 4, 2012

February Math Stations

It was a dreary Saturday here - so I wrapped up with a blanket and kept the coffee going all day. I got a Keurig for my birthday - and thought about how lazy I was contemplated moving it to my computer table. Ha.

February Math Stations are ready to go!

I had lots of ideas this time around - probably why my poor brain doesn't shut off at night and I don't get much sleep - anyone else have that problem. Slight problem when I teach Kindergarten and the KinderKiddos need their teacher awake and ready at o-dark-thirty lol!

I tried not to get too lovey-dovey with the stations - so my boys wouldn't go "ewwwwwwww" every time they opened a math tub!

February Planning Document

Number Writing - Race to Trace Valentine Style
I keep this game fresh by changing out what the kids can trace with too (highlighters, crayons, colored pencils, etc.)

Number Recognition - Bee Mine Roll and Cover
My kiddos loved the Polar Pals game from Mrs Lirettes Learning Detectives Blog - especially the 3 dice. :) I made a February version.

**Updated - I added a version without the yellow background...thanks for the suggestion Hadar. Especially after printing it out this morning and my printer said...your tri-color cartridge is running low...ahhhh!

Number Representation

This cute felt hearts game is a Pinterest find! From Apples and ABCs Blog

Games - Math is a Hoot
I changed up the dice and am going to use a 10-frames dice. Should be pretty easy for them - but I just wanted something new to freshen up the station!

Be Mine Patterns
Just in case my sweethearts do everything but the expected activity get off task at this math tub, I added the Pattern Cards. They will pick one and create a pattern using the pictures. If you use this center, you'll want several copies of page 2 so they can make patterns.

Count and Create
Count using 10 frames and create the number with heart cutouts. I added the "17" card to remind them what they should be doing with the hearts. We have an accucut at school that has a heart - but you could use just about any heart cutout!

Graphing - Toss and Track
To continue practicing numbers in the 20's! Dice is included - but you could program anyone that you have - that's usually easier than cutting and folding! :)

Geometry/Drawing - Roll a Monster
I think this is my favorite for February. This is going to be the teacher station. My kids love the "roll a" games, but I wanted to make it a little more challenging. Hopefully I'm not pulling my hair out with this one. I added base 10 blocks and we are going to roll, count and draw....
We'll see how it goes!!!

Wheeewwww. That was a super long post! Enjoy if you use anything! 
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Don't Fall Over...But I'm Writing a Post...

Shut the front door. Is it bad that I haven't written a post in for.ever.? I almost didn't remember how to get to Blogger. Okay, it ...