I love linky parties! They have so much information and are on so many great topics...
Which brings me to my next point. :-) Growing Kinders is hosting a linky party on Kindergarten schedules.
It is so hard to fit everything in. The schedule below is one that I created in August - but it has changed considerably! Through the year, I stretch out Writer's, Reading and Math Workshops. Which means that rest time, social studies and science - even the restroom break!- get cut as the year goes on.
It looks good on paper - but I don't follow it strictly. Kinder kiddos need structure but flexibility - so while the schedule is created - I'm totally fine with changing things up!
My kiddos loved reading and math workshop this year - so I stretched the time out to fit their needs as the year progressed. The hardest part of our schedule is that lunch starts at 10:55 - so we have about 1.5 hours after getting settled in to get everything for ELA in. It's craziness. My teammates and I have talked on several occasions about teaching 10 things at 10% to get it all in versus teaching 2-3 things at 100%.
I don't think there is ever an easy answer...
10-11 Schedule