Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I love blog giveaways - they are like the lottery for teachers (and you don't even have to pay to enter)!

Enter the giveaway at Mrs. Kelly's Kindergarten and you just might win the grand prize - which is pretty fabulous.

The winner receives everything from Mrs. Patton's TPT store. Yes - everything!

The giveaway ends Wednesday night so go quick!

Friday, June 17, 2011

LiNkY pArTy!!!

I love linky parties! They have so much information and are on so many great topics...

Which brings me to my next point. :-) Growing Kinders is hosting a linky party on Kindergarten schedules.

It is so hard to fit everything in. The schedule below is one that I created in August - but it has changed considerably! Through the year, I stretch out Writer's, Reading and Math Workshops. Which means that rest time, social studies and science - even the restroom break!- get cut as the year goes on.

It looks good on paper - but I don't follow it strictly. Kinder kiddos need structure but flexibility - so while the schedule is created - I'm totally fine with changing things up!

My kiddos loved reading and math workshop this year - so I stretched the time out to fit their needs as the year progressed.  The hardest part of our schedule is that lunch starts at 10:55 - so we have about 1.5 hours after getting settled in to get everything for ELA in. It's craziness. My teammates and I have talked on several occasions about teaching 10 things at 10% to get it all in versus teaching 2-3 things at 100%.

I don't think there is ever an easy answer...

10-11 Schedule

Monday, June 13, 2011

Shout-Out to Kindergarten Crayons

If you have not been to this blog yet, go. Now. Right now. This stuff is amazing - and free!!! Whoohoo. Currently there is a book discussion of the new Debbie Diller Math Work Stations Book. Double whoohoo! Check it out!

Don't Fall Over...But I'm Writing a Post...

Shut the front door. Is it bad that I haven't written a post in for.ever.? I almost didn't remember how to get to Blogger. Okay, it ...
