Monday, July 30, 2012

Hello My name is…

Anyone else in denial that August is like 1 day and 2 hours away? No? Me neither. Ha! I got my keys back today and can get into my classroom and start working. So many projects to finish up and get everything arranged. I’m excited for this year…whoohoo!

I have loved catching up on blogs this summer and am a little sad that I know I won’t be able to devote as much time to them when school starts. Michelle at Apples and ABC’s posted these super cute photos and used a “Hello my name is” board as a prop. She’s going to use it as a prop for a first day of school picture.

What I don’t love? I can’t find the sign at my Target (anyone else spend half their summer at Target? haha!). I love the idea of getting a picture of kiddos on their first day. I’m thinking I could make them into a class book and put it out for kiddos to read during the year.


I’m fairly sure I’m a little behind on the chevron craze – but I love it. I made these signs that you can print out – in case you can’t find the cute sign Michelle found at Target. I can’t upload an editable file (due to copyright reasons), but it would be super easy to type up kids names in Word and tape them to the sign. If you have the resources you could print up a class set and have kids write their name.


Either way, super cute idea from Michelle – go check out her blog!


Click the picture below to grab your copy!


Don't Fall Over...But I'm Writing a Post...

Shut the front door. Is it bad that I haven't written a post in for.ever.? I almost didn't remember how to get to Blogger. Okay, it ...