Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Math Journals

February Math Journals are here! A day early!!! That never happens because I am always late to everything...haha!

I added some (2...starting out slow haha!) graphing activities to the math journals. If you are using them, I'd love to hear about it or any feedback you have. :)



Jenny said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

Kinder96 said...

Love it! Thanks!

Kinder Kiddo said...

Aweeeesome! Thank you!

Christy's Kinders said...


Anonymous said...

I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for offering your math journal prompts for free! You are definitely one of my new favorite blogs! Love it! :)

Michelle Griffo said...

I am your newest follower!!!!

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